Hardwood Floor Waxing – Toronto Ontario

Hardwood floors add classic elegance to your home—but not when they’re dull, dinted, or dingy. Fortunately, waxing hardwood floors is an economical, tried-and-true way to restore their gleam and prolong their life. Read on to learn the technique for applying a high-performing wax finish that will look so grand, you’ll be walking on air!’

Why wax hardwood floors?

Popularized in the 1940s, waxing is a floor finishing technique in which clear or colored wax, made of a blend of solvents and synthetic and/or natural waxes, is applied to a hardwood floor in a thin layer and then buffed to a shine. As the solvents in the wax evaporate, the wax hardens into a protective seal that confers a host of benefits:

• Increases stain resistance: The wax seal limits the absorption of spills to keep floors from staining.

• Minimizes minor imperfections: Wax fades or eliminates the appearance of superficial scratches, dings, and scuffs marks.

• Preserves underlying finishes: Wax acts as the first line of defense against spills, dust, and dirt, preventing them from encroaching on underlying finishes, such as oil, and enabling the underlying finish to last longer.

• Prolongs floor life: The increased hardiness of waxed floors allows them to potentially last years longer than un-waxed floors if regularly maintained.

• Boosts beauty: Clear wax lends a shiny look and a glossier feel that vacuuming or mopping alone can’t achieve. Colored waxes, available in hues on the brown spectrum, offer these same benefits plus an attractive tint that gives floors an even richer, deeper patina.

Check Out: Four reasons why you should strip and wax your floors


That said, wax offers only limited resistance to deeper dents or gouges, and does little to ward off warping or bulging from widespread moisture exposure due to leaks or minor floods. Wax should be considered as a top coat—a final layer of protection, not the only protective finish, on a hardwood floor.

Wax is applied using a high speed waxing machine until the floor is buffed. We apply different types of paste wax or liquid wax in spray form to your floor, depending on the type of wood and the condition of your flooring.

Finally, we polish the floor until a radiant shine appears. Each area of the floor is done four times with steel wool of appropriate thickness, special pads, and towels.

You can be sure that your floor will look more alive and like new after the treatment. It will be clean, shiny and well protected.


To schedule your floor waxing appointment or to obtain a free estimate, please Call 647 772 5701 or use the online inquiry form Here.


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